Side Project Scientist

A website about my projects.

About Me

My name is Phil. I have an education in physics and math, including an advanced degree in physics. After a brief career working on theoretical physics in academia I switched to work on physics-based algorithms in industry. I have been fortunate to learn several new disciplines during my time in industry. I currently work as an engineer developing software for high performance computing applications.

My main hobbies these days are exercising with kettlebells, training martial arts, and playing drums. Recently I started working on a few projects in my free time. I started this site to write about and document these projects. (Building the site then became another project.)

I’ve had various roles throughout my career and various hobbies over the years. Since all my formal training is in science, I still think of myself as a scientist first. A scientist working on theoretical physics. A scientist working on algorithms. A scientist working on software engineering. And in my free time…a scientist working on projects on the side.

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