Side Project Scientist

A website about my projects.

Coffee Can Radar Gain Stage

Sat 09/12/20 08:00:59 pm
Categories: Electronics

Here is the Coffee Can Radar Gain Stage.

The final analog circuit I needed to complete was the gain stage. Here it is, on the right:

As with the LPF I used a signal generator to test it:

The yellow curve is the test signal input and the purple curve is the amplified output. In terms of peak-to-peak voltage the gain stage amplified the signal by about 14 dB. Based on this and some other tests the gain stage is working correctly.

In other news, I re-examined the LPF. Based on an alternate calculation and an additional test I concluded the low pass filter is working correctly.

Now that I have a working low pass filter and gain stage the next step is to connect them…

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