Side Project Scientist

A website about my projects.


Fri 07/31/20 11:51:42 pm
Categories: Electronics

This solder practice kit has an RGB LED and three potentiometers to adjust the color.

After completing Blink I assembled Hue. I used the same Tin-Silver-Copper Kester SAC 305 lead free solder I used for the previous kit.

Here is the kit before assembly:

Here is the assembled kit:

The kit worked. Here is a demo with dials set to isolate green:

Here the dials are set to isolate blue:

Isolated red:

Finally, an example of tuning the dials to get a violet color:

I got yellow too. It didn’t show up well in the photo so I’m not including it here.

Finally, the solder joints:

The leads in the bottom row (for the potentiometers) were the hardest to solder because they are so close together. I was being careful not to bridge them and ended up not using enough solder (the pads are visible). The connections obviously still work since I can adjust all the colors. Otherwise, the joints look similar to the results in the Blink kit. Overall, not bad for my second kit.

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