Side Project Scientist

A website about my projects.

Initial Implementation Of Responsive

Sun 06/07/20 11:21:40 pm
Categories: This Website

My good friend JLMBL suggested I make my site responsive. I thought it was a great idea.

Here is a brief description of what a responsive website is. It also shows some examples of how to create one.

Since I am building my site from scratch I had to figure out how to make it responsive. This turned out to be more work than I expected. Some examples I found used CSS, others used SASS, and some were over five years old (and I didn’t realize at first that things they referenced had changed). Even though I was using SASS for my site I still didn’t really know what it was nor how to use it. Ditto for CSS. I initially just followed a tutorial when I created the site. Later I wrote some lines of SASS to get images to auto size to fit the browser, but this was something I found from searching around on forums. (Though I didn’t know it at the time, this was also a step towards making my site responsive.)

It has been a very productive week learning about HTML, CSS, and SASS. I think the initial version of my responsive site is finally working. Though it took longer than I expected I learned a lot in the process and have a better understanding (and appreciation) of web design, user interface, and user experience.

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